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What Kind of Pencils Do You Use?

 What kind of pencils do you use for drawings? I have been asked many times when individual(s) would see my drawings. I would simply buy pencils in the grocery store, arts or craft store available near you to purchase one or a set of pencils of your choice. You may find a reasonable price that you can afford to buy for example anywhere from 1 to 15 dollars to purchase a set of pencils. I bought mine through online from Sketching & Drawing Set by Artist’s Loft™ Fundamentals™.
Details for standard range of sketching pencils:
  • 12 graphite pencils (2 HB, 1 B, 2 2B, 2 4B, 1 6B, 1 8B, 1 4H, 1 2H, 1 H)
  • 2 stumps
  • No. 2 tortillon
  • 2 erasers
  • Double metal sharpener

This classic set of pencils is an assortment of grades, multiple erasers and a sharpener to keep you sketching in class, on the go or can draw at your own leisurely time just to pick up a pencil to start on your pencil sketches or learn to practice your drawing skills. 

Of course... during your sketches you may want to choose various dark to light pencil graphite in order to capture the shading of an objects. You will find a wide variety of pencils to choose from that I think some who are beginners would ask a valid question.

Honestly, if you can find a normal No.2 pencil, it can be a good place to start. Through out my life in pencil drawings, you can use any pencils to begin with... a passion for drawings.

I have given you details that I mentioned above to understand what is involved in selecting the best pencils to draw, sketch, doodling, shadings whether to an abstract to realistic drawings. Which could be a form of a freehand or mechanical. Mechanical drawings is another topics to discuss on what kind of pencils to use for professional mechanical drawings in architecture developments.

The Basic Understandings of What Pencil to Choose.

The wood pencils are generally fill with what we called ‘lead’ they are actually made of a mix of graphite and clay.  Pencils that make darker lines (eg: B range) have more graphite, while harder pencils (eg: H range) have more clay. Quite often I used either B or H through H3 to get started on my drawings. The normal wooden pencil of No.2 works just as fine. No.2 pencil that you would find at the grocery store, home, office or schools.

Other Varieties of Pencils:
There are varieties of carbon pencils, charcoal pencils, water soluble graphite pencils or the vast choice of coloured pencils available. These are quite number of topics to discuss on how to put your talent skills to use. It's not quite the same from the basic details for standard range of sketching pencils that I mentioned earlier.

Whether your a beginner or advance to show the world how to draw skillfully.
You are a Pencil Artist.

There you have it!

Bradley Jimerson,
Bradesign Arts


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