Building a Website
You want have a domain name for example of mine:, you're not quite ready to write and design a full website.
Here is what you can do:
Design a logo. Many entrepreneurs start a small businesses find themselves in this position. We suggest that you build a one-page website to use and create more pages in a later time.
The elements to design into your one-page website include:
- Your brand identity graphics. Include logo and visual vocabulary elements on your website for a consistent look with a theme in mind for your website.
- A short description of your business. This description should be between one paragraph and one page in length when typed in a text form. You don't want your one-page website to be a scrolling largely. The ultimate goal of your page is for people to read it and learn more about you and what you do. Often time less is more. Your customers would read a fast pace or glance through the reading. If they want more information, here is the next step.
- Your contact information. It's very important to include information about how to get in touch with you to becomes interested, and wants to hire you! They will send you an email form from your website on your contact page.
- A testimonial from a client, you provide a link to their website to calm any fears that a potential client may have. This makes even a basic one-page website to stand out and any feedback your client may have of their website to see the results.
Here is where you come in to help your client to start a website of their buisness to see what to include on their web pages.
Try to brain storm your writing content or try recording yourself or tell someone your story to develope a written contents of your website.
Once your website developed would be to get a jumpstart on building search engine rankings to include search engine keyword phrases and then submit the one-page site to the search engine marketing tools to begin building your site's search engine profile and history.
During your search engine optimization and the first step on the path toward great rankings that will drive many visitors to your site.You can learn much more about search engine optimization tools to further your knowledge from your website. There are hundreds of tools available as you do search online for optimization tools.
Your website is launch after you have already consider which is the cheapest rate to afford to get a domain name of your business to get notice out there in the world wide web industry!
There you have it!
Thank you,
Bradley jimerson
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