What kind of pencils do you use for drawings? I have been asked many times when individual(s) would see my drawings. I would simply buy pencils in the grocery store, arts or craft store available near you to purchase one or a set of pencils of your choice. You may find a reasonable price that you can afford to buy for example anywhere from 1 to 15 dollars to purchase a set of pencils. I bought mine through online from Sketching & Drawing Set by Artist’s Loft™ Fundamentals™. Details for standard range of sketching pencils: 12 graphite pencils (2 HB, 1 B, 2 2B, 2 4B, 1 6B, 1 8B, 1 4H, 1 2H, 1 H) 2 stumps No. 2 tortillon 2 erasers Double metal sharpener This classic set of pencils is an assortment of grades, multiple erasers and a sharpener to keep you sketching in class, on the go or can draw at your own leisurely time just to pick up a pencil to start on your pencil sketches or learn to practice your drawing skills. Of course... during your sketches you may wa...