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Bradesign Arts Year-In Review in 2023

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Gouache Paintings

Gouache Painting By  B radley Jimerson, Gouache Artist "Water Runs Through It" By  B radley Jimerson, Gouache Artist I learned to gouache paints since high school and The Art Institute of Pittsburgh. It is used for painting illustrations for any paints and drawings art classes that I attended at The Arts Institute of Pittsburgh to be a commercial artist. I learn to use the base board which is a thick bristol board so that it would not warp when wet. To use for any paints to apply on the bristol board. I was taught to apply only a small amount of gouache paint. The paint colors comes in a set of 6, 10 or 18 gouache paint set or whatever it is available in the art stores nearby. To apply the paint is almost as if your watercolor painting. There is a trick to change a color or fix a mistake just using the brush strokes technique over the color or line to remove or simply change a color that it can be reactivated with water. Gouache is opague and dense in covering. It differs in

The Year 2022 Is Almost Over

The Year 2022 Is Almost Over by Bradley Jimerson, December 11, 2022      Well, this year has been great! Bradesign Arts and 'Just U Pose' Photography has been pretty busy this year! The highlights of the year 2022, which I will post for a year-in-review of my works on my Bradesign Arts facebook page to take a look back throughout this year.      My photography assignments, art shows, graphic designs, book covers design jackets, illustrations, paintings, videos, social medias, and the visits between both the Onöhsagwë:de’ Cultural Center, Salamanca, NY and The Sully Huff Heritage Center, Irving, NY.      It was awesome to be at the Seneca Niagara Casino recently hosted The Haudenosaunee Micro-Short Film Program at The Bear's Den in November 2022 as part of their Native American Heritage Month events. The program feature is curated by Seneca filmmaker Terry Jones and is a collection of short films created by 12 Haudenosaunee filmmakers. It was an honor to be selected among th
Recognizable Logos by Bradley Jimerson As you see the logos above have been around for years, no doubt you recognize them. I give credits to those who came up with these very genius ideas! I wrote an article awhile back about my business logo of Bradesign Arts. It would be recognizable for anyone who would know my business logo and say... "Hey, I know that logo!"  To c reating a logo is my specialty as a graphic designer. That is how you respond to a business logo that you would automatically know what to look for. Or at times, you may not be thinking about the logo but know where you would shop, stop at a restaurant or get gas for your vehicle. Your brain semi-conscious not focusing the logo but at the same time your looking at it, you just walk into the public building not thinking about the logo but it is there in front of you as you walk into the public building. For example, you park your car in the parking lot. Your walking towards the store of Wegmans, you see the logo
  Come on out and 'Just U Pose' There you have it! Bradley Jimerson Owner
May 8, 2022 'Just U Pose' by Bradley Jimerson During the 1980's era, the 1981 Pentax ME F, it was the world's first Pentax Autofocus PP SLR. The M-series was introduced in 1976 with the ME. I purchased the camera in the mid 1980s, Pentax had launched ME F with AF zoom 35-70mm in 1981. It was a new sensation and a popular SLR camera at the time. I remembered my art school teacher introduced Pentax to us all students taking the class in Photography. As times go by Nikon and Canon presented their version soon after, the system was not good enough. Til this day, I still have my old Pentax camera which is now a collection of sentimental value and to accepted the times that was changing from SLR to DSLR down to this day. Don't get me wrong, I love the Pentax version. You can still purchase Pentax DSLR camera today and no longer develope negatives nor work in the dark room. Unless your a professional photographer that still can develope straight from negatives into solutio

Marker Renderings

Marker Renderings It has been awhile since I used to draw in advertisements of marker renderings in varieties of shading techniques, any graphic silhouettes, fast cars, record album or CD/DVD designs, menus, peoples, animals or artchitectural buildings. These are the  markers that I used to have for both sets of DeSign Markettes and Chartpak markers along with blending markers to blend in colors and shaded grey areas. These markers are still available in the markets. You probably might not see so much of marker drawings these days. It is still a practice if you want to learn the marker renderings style and techniques in fashion models and clothing designs. You might find them in books stores or art-n-crafts such as Michaels, Hobby Lobby, Hyatt's or other art stores in your areas.   There are various cartoon drawings and develope your style techniques that may attracts onlookers to see your talents in marker renderings. Of course, there are lots of "how to" books in Marvel