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Bradesign Arts Year-In Review in 2023

Bradesign Arts
Year-In-Review 2023

by Bradley Jimerson, December 31, 2023

As we are approaching the end of 2023. I have learned a lot this year. Things came up unexpectantly or planned. 

The art shows, penciling, acrylic, oils, gouache, watercolors, marker renderings, a speaker and teacher, my store, book cover designs, logos, audio recordings, DVDs, flyers, poster, portfolios, leather making, newsletter, videography, photography, drone, seneca language and so much more…

As one my instructors in the past used to say to me, roll-up your sleeve and start designing and put on your thinking hat!

Through networking, I have gain new friendships, trusts, a mentor on giving art tips and advice to my fellow students and peers.

Art teaching is a method to wept the student’s appetite with knowledge of arts or already knowledgeable to share with me vice versa. The interchange of encouragements for both myself and my students which inspires me to see the glimpse from their eyes to help expand their skills with techniques that I am able to give. 

In the areas of Western New York, is filled with so many wonderful young and old artists alike that are taught by the elders, instructors and teachers to nurture the students learning skills. I view each person as an artist. I always taught that even if you can learn how to draw a straight line or not so straight line, you are an ARTIST.

My appreciation grows along with my fellow students for receiving my secrets or techniques within the art classes.

It is a learning curve on how to reach and interact with students’ abilities to practice techniques that I received as a young lad myself during my early days.

My learning experiences comes with so many art teachers, friends, mentors and instructors from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. As I recalled how my instructors kept the classes very interesting. I  enjoyed honing my skills to become an professional artist.

I will be giving more classes in the coming months of 2024. I have never thought that I would be teaching a class to take on the responsibility to mentor the student(s) learning skills or wants to refresh their skills as they progress in the years to come. It's a honor and privilege to teach.

It brings me great joy within the art world as well as the web technologies that I will continue to hone my skills in web developments. I will be  updating my blogs, art store and websites.

It is my privilege to teach. I have an old saying from my website which says: “Every child is an artist. The challenge is to remain an artist after you grow up” – Pablo Picasso

For the closing of 2023.  Exciting things to come! Not knowing the unknown in 2024 is very interesting! New projects, New gadgets, New techniques, schooling, future art shows and networkings. I will be doing more dronin' that I purchased a drone for myself. It is a small drone. I have to piece it together and practice at home. Which I will use for my own business in photography or videography.

Nya:wëh to all from the bottom of my heart, every life that I touched during the year-in-review of 2023!

Here is an old saying from a well-known artist:
“Study without desire spoils the memory, and it retains nothing that it takes in.” Leonardo da Vinci

There you have it!

Bradley Jimerson
Owner of Bradesign Arts and
‘Just U Pose’ Photography


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