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Recognizable Logos
by Bradley Jimerson

As you see the logos above have been around for years, no doubt you recognize them. I give credits to those who came up with these very genius ideas! I wrote an article awhile back about my business logo of Bradesign Arts. It would be recognizable for anyone who would know my business logo and say... "Hey, I know that logo!"  To creating a logo is my specialty as a graphic designer.

That is how you respond to a business logo that you would automatically know what to look for. Or at times, you may not be thinking about the logo but know where you would shop, stop at a restaurant or get gas for your vehicle. Your brain semi-conscious not focusing the logo but at the same time your looking at it, you just walk into the public building not thinking about the logo but it is there in front of you as you walk into the public building. For example, you park your car in the parking lot. Your walking towards the store of Wegmans, you see the logo but not registering in your mind. It's there in front of you at the same time you walk-in knowing you saw the logo but the building is recognizable. You take it for granted and don't need to say "Hey, I know that logo!" That is usually how our mind works. 

Of course, I do not need to explain what a logo is. You see them all the time at home, schools, businesses, stores, restaurants, post office, clothing stores, musics and so much more to think about. As a graphic designer, I can create a logo with symbol images and texts of a business. A logo would show what the company provides and there branded values. It consists of logotypes, symbols, brandmark, and types along with company tagline.

Here is my story and I think you will chuckle at this. You may have a similar experiences like myself. I made a mistake at one time perhaps a few times in my life. My wife would asked me to get something from Tops Friendly Markets because she forgot to buy one item that she needs. As I was driving to my destination. I ended up at Walmart instead. I look up at the logo and says "That's not Tops Friendly Market!". I turned around to get back into my car to drive to my destination where I should have been there in the first place. Just because my mind says Walmart but I recognized the logo which made me to think first before I walk into the wrong store. So my mind automatically is looking for Tops Friendly Market logo as I pulled out of Walmart parking lot. I would say to myself, "You idiot!" and laughed at myself. When I get home, my wife would say "You took so long, all I asked is for one thing and you should have come back home soon." At times, I would not admit my mistakes. I swallowed my pride and pretend I didn't arrived at the wrong store. Otherwise, I would not hear the end of it knowing my wife would laugh at me histerically and I would never have let that one down til next time if I made another mistake. Hey, none of us are perfect. Lol!

Back to the subject of recognizable logos.

So, the logo would be something that everyone would know automatically recognize the size, texts, symbols or shapes of the logo. There are many to list but I'll give you some examples.

Here it is: McDonald's, Burger King, The Apple B's, KFC, Joanne Fabric, Wegmans, Tops Friendly Markets, Big Lots, Quick Fill, Pizza Hut, Tim Hortons, Olive Garden, etc... How about Tide Washing Detergent, Dove Soap, Irish Soap, Dawn Dishwashing Soap, so forth... How about Valvoline Oil for 5 Quarts, Quaker Oil, Pennzoil Oil, Castrol Oil, Mobil Oil, etc...  How about Chevrolet, Ram, GMC Hummer, Ford, Suzuki, Pontiac, Toyota, MINI Cooper, Harley Davidson, etc... How about this... Walt Disney, Disney+, Netflix, HBO, Hulu, ESPN+, Zenith, Panasonic, BOSE, Sony, Sirius, Apple, Windows 11, Nike, Adidas, Skechers, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok and so many infinite logos to names.

I rest my case, you know what these logos look like because you see them all the time in your mind. It's very recognizable and you don't need to think much about them when you arrive to your destination because it is there. No doubt, there will be more new logos coming in the future for other new business aventures will abound. Perhaps a new store, restaurant or new products coming are way in the future. No doubt, I would keep on designing logos. As I said before, creating logos are my specialty!

So, there you have it!

Bradley Jimerson,


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