Marker Renderings It has been awhile since I used to draw in advertisements of marker renderings in varieties of shading techniques, any graphic silhouettes, fast cars, record album or CD/DVD designs, menus, peoples, animals or artchitectural buildings. These are the markers that I used to have for both sets of DeSign Markettes and Chartpak markers along with blending markers to blend in colors and shaded grey areas. These markers are still available in the markets. You probably might not see so much of marker drawings these days. It is still a practice if you want to learn the marker renderings style and techniques in fashion models and clothing designs. You might find them in books stores or art-n-crafts such as Michaels, Hobby Lobby, Hyatt's or other art stores in your areas. There are various cartoon drawings and develope your style techniques that may attracts onlookers to see your talents in marker renderings. Of course, there are lots of "how to" books in Marvel...