Bradesign Arts Gets A New Logo I have created a fresh brand new identity logo for my Bradesign Arts business for marketing strategies. The reasons behind my creative ideas through brainstorming sessions that I was pitching around for many years of experiences in graphic designs, drawings, photography and web developments. I have had rough ideas or thumbnails sketches for my logo. I have played around with it after so many years. Finally, within the last 2 months, I created a brand new logo for my identity purposes for business cards, promotional packages, etc... for my own freelance business of Bradesign Arts. When I write my letter 'B' is always as cursive in my handwriting signature and flowing letter to capture the audience with a shadows of 2D look to capture the attention with the on-lookers. Nowadays, the cursive writing is discouraged for the younger generations to come, sad to see. Paula(my wife) as a homeschool teacher for all of my 3 children stay at home from the st...